Hello from TSC in the web!
These pages bring the legendary Tone Stack Calculator (http://www.duncanamps.com/tsc/)
to be run on browsers that support JavaScript (and have it enabled).
The motivation to re-create the TSC was to be able to avoid the platform dependency of the original Windows application.
Currently these pages have been tested to work on Chrome and Firefox browsers in Windows and Linux laptops and
in a tablet device running relatively old Android OS (version 4.x). The width of the container table in the web page is currently
1280 pixels, therefore screens that have lower width resolution will not show the pages correctly.
In addition to own JavaScript code, two external JavaScript libraries have been utilized: the slider controls are from the
noUiSlider library ( https://refreshless.com/nouislider/ ) and the neat graphs are from the dyGraphs library ( http://dygraphs.com/ ).
DyGraphs is used under the terms of the required MIT license. The sliders are currently not licensed in any way.
The logarithmic potentiometer implementations (LogA and LogB) have been copied directly from the original TSC source code,
so the results obtained from these simulations are the same as from the orginal TSC (results verified by shallow visual comparison).
The circuit models have been also verified numerically to give exactly the same values as SPICE simulation, so the models ought to be correct.
Whereas the original TSC evaluates complex matrices for each frequency point, in this implementation
the matrices have been pre-solved symbolically (using Maxima computer algebra system) to be able to calculate polynomial factors
in the powers of corner frequency ω only once before the frequency analysis takes place.
This approach saves several hundred milliseconds of calculation time in JavaScript and makes the analysis fast enough to be run directly on browsers.
This project is a result of co-operation by users jatalahd, ~arph and TheseGoToEleven from diystompboxes.com forum.
Version History
The first version (let's call it version 1.0) contains simulations for Marshall, Fender, Vox, James, E-series, Bench, Hiwatt and Big Muff.
A reverse-engineered tone stack from my Aria bass amplifier has been added as an extra bonus.
Compared to the original TSC, the sweep feature and some other (minor) things are still missing from the web-implementation.
It would need some better layout for mobile devices as well.
Hopefully the undersigned (or some other volunteer) will add these (and maybe more) features later on.
The development files are shared in GitHub: https://github.com/jatalahd/tsc
The second version (let's call it version 2.0) adds the sweep and snapshot features, plus unified Vout/Vin Maxima models for
all tone stacks. The snapshot feature unfortunately does not work between different tone stacks.
Version 2.0.1 released in mid 2019 includes minor fixes to Dumble tone stacks due to error in "original" schematic regarding one capacitor connection.
Also a simulation model for the classic wah circuit is added.
Version 3.0 released in mid 2021 adds phase graphs for all stacks. URLs also include all part values for ease of recall and
sharing. And there are 7 new simulation models for Baxandall & James tone stack variations.